This atypical model is definitively aimed to fanciers of performance and sensations. Its exclusive concept relies on three main innovations:

Ergonomic Frame

Asymmetrical frame to guarantee a uniform repartition of the pressure. The shape of our feet corresponds to the repartition of our body-weight on our feet. We have adapted the shape of the snowshoes to this essential element to ensure an even repartition of the body’s weight on the snowshoe. Comfort and safety are improved.

ergonomique frame

Natural Step

This double articulated joint enables the foot to
roll-out naturally. The snowshoe is being pulled
instead of lifted, it feels a lot lighter.

natural step


Slope angle regulator

The laterally rotating central plate compensates the hill inclination. It tends towards the horizontal and supports a flat foot stance even during hill crossings. This ergonomical walking is joint friendly and gives a safe feeling.



   Auto Gliding System
Pressing the pole on the rear part of the lever is enough to change the position, without bending.
Position surmount an obstacle Walking position Heel step in climbing position

  Soft Pad
cale de montee

This central system of the shoe, offers great comfort.
It combines different kinds of plastic components, which can adapt and fit perfectly with the ankle. It can be placed precisely on the top of the ankle through a double regulation system on both sides. Fine adjustments are made through a small lever; opening the binding is easy and immediate.
Those who prefer a simpler model can choose between two other binding types:
- with double buckle adjustment,
- with single buckle adjustment.

Front tightening 45°
cale de montee

A precise and comfortable tensioning of the shoe, through two fastener straps in 45° angle.

This detail is crucial as it enables the perfect hold of the shoe without any point of pressure, as they can be very unpleasant at the end of the day. A real attention is paid to the shape of the foot as it can roll out naturally.

  Shock absorber

Three shock- and noise absorbers are placed below the heel.


  Ease of use and small touches...

The adjustment to the she size occurs in the simplest way, in pushing the heel part towards the shoe


another possibility is to position the number of your shoe size in the little window on the binding plate.

TIPP: The use of mountain or trekking shoes is strongly advised. Soft shoes are advised.
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